Friday, October 3, 2008


Having a "day job" has really worn out my creative juices... It's not that I can't create, I simply "cannot find the time" to be creative, or at least that is my excuse. Now that we have moved to a new cozy apartment, I guess it's time to kick start the thinking and creating process.

Looking at the songs I've written, most of em were written when I was in my "single and wanting ex back" phases... it may seem silly but that is how it was, I don't think I ever wrote anything to a girlfriend until we actually seperated.

Now, I don't want writing songs to be too emotionally draining and I want to write about other things in life so I need to find a different source of inspiration. Sadly, I guess only by practicing to write random songs, just like I practice my guitar and singing, can I come up with some half decent songs that I eventually just throw out. Where are you oh inspiration? Inspire me in a different way please.

I have to admit though that I rarely spend a serious 100% focused time on songwriting, so maybe I'll try that, rather than waiting for the guava to fall from it's tree. So now is the start... I hope!

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