Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Waiting Game - Live @ Conspiracy

Promised to put more music into this blog, so here it is, a video captured when I played Waiting Game at Conspiracy Bar.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


I've been reading through the pages of http://creation.com and have found their articles enlightening and awe inspiring. I remember being a child and learning that God made everything in 7 days - I totally believed it. However, that thought was slowly changed when school introduced me to the theory of evolution. Soon I figured that the interpretation of God's creation in Genesis is no longer relevant, and how wrong have I been! I am reminded that God "did" as what the Bible teaches. Funny how a site full of great information is now required to remind me of something that I simply believed in when I was a kid. Hope you can check out their site, even if you are not a fan of "Creation" :).

Monday, January 4, 2010

Is it going to get better?

As each year unfolds, I always ask – “Is it going to get better?” At times I feel that every year is worse than the last, so I evaluate and then ask: what makes a year “better”? Is it more wealth, is it better relationships, is it security, is it a specific accomplishment, is it (insert anything here) – and the list goes on and on. So what makes each year better? Here’s a lousy answer (or excuse if you’d like to call it that) – that I came up with:

Each year is better simply because we are allowed to experience it. Strip off all the add-ons in life – we find that it’s all about life and being alive, that is probably one of the best lessons Ondoy has taught me. So with that I am thankful to God for continually allowing me to experience life – with all it’s ups and downs, and I am also grateful for the added bonus of experiencing life with the people I love. :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Song #1: Waiting Game

Song #1: Waiting Game

Back Story: This song was written around the main guitar lick, as opposed to the traditional way of writing, heh. I wanted a song that has a light / easy message to contrast the highlight on the guitar playing. So there you have it.


Since I have dedicated this blog to music and how it relates to my life - I might as well fill this up with actual music. I'll be posting demos of songs that I have written, and add in a bit of back story.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

2009 CODA - "Once in a Blue Moon"

The song "2009" is about to enter it's CODA. As proof, the twelfth full moon has risen bright last night as if signalling the beginning of this year's ending. CODA according to Merriam-Webster is "a concluding musical section that is formally distinct from the main structure".

So to conclude my 2009, I looked back and saw another year of great loss, opportunities, blessings, disasters and gifts. To keep this long post short, here are some of the highlights: losing our loving "Lola Mama" - we will miss her much, finally being able to grab the opportunity to be musically more active, receiving the continued blessing of having a healthy and happy family, being hit by the worst flood and survived, and being given unexpected gifts right before 2009 closes - to end the year right. The song of life doesn't have to end with 2009 though, soon by the grace of God, I'll be listening to and singing the new melodies of 2010. :)

Weird facts of 2009: We will have a 13th full moon for 2009, which will be lighting our night skies on New Year's Eve - December 31. When there are 2 full moons in a month, the second full moon is called a "Blue Moon". What a way to transition 2009 to 2010 - now you can truly say "Once in a Blue Moon". ^^

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

John Mayer's Battle Studies

As much as everyone else, I'm very excited to hear the new studio album of John Mayer, Battle Studies. I've been a fan of his work, but I'm one of the few who prefers his older albums and would rate Room for Squares as his best work. For me, that album has the most memorable hooks, great songwriting and most importantly - songs that are "relatable" - if there is such a word.

So far, I've heard the tracks that John Mayer prereleased as videos: "Who Says" and "Heartbreak Warfare". Both songs are great but not as climatic as I hoped it was - Who says sounds like a lost track from Continuum, while Heartbreak Warfare has that Heavier Things vibe.

Both are ofcourse good, don't get me wrong but it seems like there is a shortage on topics to sing about - and singing about his "rockstar" self (Who Says) just doesn't cut through to normal human beings like myself. In fairness - it's still an honest song, and I can only imagine how it is to want to be "Stoned". Heartbreak warfare on the other hand has some tasty hooks, but lacks on the "guitar" aspect (Can't blame me for wanting more guitar after hearing John Mayer Trio :P).

Much like Continuum, I better appreciate his songs AFTER seeing him play the song live, so probably my take on the two songs will change after a few weeks. Can't wait to hear the new album to see where John Mayer currently stands musically. :)